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Explore Our New Car Detailing Services!

Clearer, simpler & everything your vehicle needs

Firstly I would just like to welcome all our new clients to this blog and Atom Detailing as a whole.

We will have been in business 10 years this April (2023) and it's been a rollercoaster from the beginning and I'm so proud that through the tough past few years we're still able to be here and care for the vehicles that come into our studio. It never leaves us that we're entrusted with the pride and joy of our clients.

Admittedly it's March, but as we welcome in 2023 I've looked back over the last 10 years and look to the future to make sure that what we provide matches what our clients want.

Over the years I've looked to provide as much information as possible on detailing and the protection options available and I feel that it has the potential to be overwhelming to people new to detailing. I've also personally seen a shift from clients having never heard of what a ceramic coating is, to now knowing how they work on a molecular level. I would say it's been 5 years since anyone asked me to wax their vehicle.

This shift in knowledge and the 'new norm' for car care has led me to look at our offerings and adapt them to the modern world. Alongside this shift is the continual move towards faster paced decisions which seem to have been boosted during the covid years which has led us to the 'Amazon' culture where even next day delivery seems slow. I'll be going through in more detail the new offerings but I will touch on them below:

PURE, CORE & PRIME: Our Triple Threat of Car Care!

PURE: This service is 'purely' protection based. This is the modern version of the 'wash & wax' for those who don't want a full machine polish detail but still want a clean and protected car. An exterior focussed service this is will include an exterior deep clean followed by the application of 2 layers of ceramic sealant for 6-12 months of water beading and easier cleaning.

CORE: Our 'core' package. If you have a new or newer vehicle then this is for you! Deep cleaned inside and out, machine polished and all coatings possible. Done!

PRIME: If your car is slightly older then you may wish to go PRIME. It's our Core package however comes with a two stage instead of the standard single stage polish but again all the coatings inside and out to finish.

Thank you so much for reading, stick around as I plan to do a Vlog version of the blog posts for those that prefer a video and to add further details where needed.

Reach out to me if you have any questions or queries! Stay safe

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